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American Dog Ticks

What do American dog ticks look like? 

American dog ticks are relatively large ticks. They are about a quarter of an inch in size when they haven’t had a meal but grow to over half an inch when engorged. American dog ticks are similar in shape to a watermelon seed with brown bodies and white or gray markings. The larvae have six legs, while the nymphs and adults have eight legs.

American Dog Ticks

When are American dog ticks most active?

Low activity
Moderate activity
High activity

Where are American dog ticks commonly found in the Tampa Bay area? 

American dog ticks prefer habitats where they will come into contact with hosts and where they can hide. Outside, you’re most likely to find them in grassy areas, leaf piles, bushes, and similar vegetation. When they enter homes, they are usually on a host; their preferred hosts are domestic dogs. 

Are American dog ticks dangerous? 

Infected American dog ticks can transmit diseases to the people and pets they bite. These ticks are the primary spreaders of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a condition with symptoms that include fever, chills, headaches, and muscle aches. It can also cause a rash that develops a few days after the fever. If not treated, Rocky Mountain spotted fever can be fatal.

American dog ticks can also spread tularemia and tick paralysis. Both of these illnesses are serious and should be addressed by medical professionals.

How do American dog ticks find a host? 

American dog ticks like to spend time in areas where they are likely to find hosts. Although dogs are their preferred hosts, they’ll attach to wild animals and humans. While they wait in the grass or another harborage area, they’ll use their senses to determine when a host is nearby. They’ll then lift their front legs in the air to grab onto the host as it passes by.

Once on a host, the tick can often go unnoticed, crawling around until it finds a suitable spot to latch onto the host’s body. After the tick has latched on, it takes a few hours to imbed its mouthparts into the skin before it starts to feed.

Can American dog ticks infest homes? 

The good news about American dog ticks is that they don’t survive very well indoors. American dog ticks require a lot of humidity to survive. Inside homes, they can usually survive while on their host, but they won't last very long if they become unattached and crawl off the host. 

How do I remove an American dog tick if I find one on me or my pet? 

It’s important to be careful when trying to remove a tick so that you get the entire tick, including the part that is embedded, out of your skin. Using a pair of tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Using steady pressure to pull it out, be careful not to squeeze so hard that you break the tick. Once removed, wash the area with soap and warm water.

You’ll want to monitor the area for any signs of infection or rash and monitor your health for flu-like symptoms up to two weeks after a tick bite. It can take that long for symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever to appear.

What should I do if I find ticks in my yard? 

If you see ticks in your yard or have found ticks on your dog or the people in your house, it’s important to take action to get rid of them. 

Contact Anti-Pesto to get rid of ticks in your yard. We offer tick control treatments that eliminate ticks that infest your yard.

How can I reduce American dog tick populations in my yard?

Make your property less appealing to ticks and their hosts by implementing the following tick prevention tips:

For tick control to protect your family and your peace of mind, contact Anti-Pesto today.

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From the first contact call the staff was very professional, courteous and informative. We discussed the issues and set a plan with an appointment within a couple days. Shane, our technician, was very prompt and courteous. Very informative during the inspection process and strategically put a deterrent plan in place. I would highly recommend Anti-Pesto Bug Killers.

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