Eastern subterranean termites live in well-ordered colonies, each caste having a specific job. The appearance of these termites also varies by caste.
Worker termites are creamy white and grow to about a quarter of an inch in length. They have small jaws that chew through wood to build tunnels and nests.
Soldier termites are similar in appearance and size to worker termites, with a few differences. They tend to have darker-colored heads that are blockier in shape. They also have large jaws they use to protect the colony from dangers.
Reproductive termites are the largest termites in the colony. The queen is the largest, and her job is simply to reproduce. The king is much smaller than the queen. The alates are the other reproductive termites. They can grow up to an inch in length. Reproductive termites are dark brown to black and have a pair of translucent wings. When it is time to mate, the alates come out in the open in a swarm, find mates, and shed their wings before returning underground to begin their colonies.
Although Eastern subterranean termites are not dangerous to your health, they are extremely dangerous to your house. These pests chew through wooden structures of all kinds, so if they get inside, they weaken essential structural elements of your home.
They are a high risk to homes because they inflict most damage while remaining completely out of sight. You may not realize you have a termite problem until months or years after it begins. This allows termites to cause extensive damage before being discovered.
Further complicating matters is that most insurance companies don’t cover damage caused by termites. Your homeowner’s policy is likely useless if you experience a termite infestation, which can cost you thousands of dollars out of pocket.
As stated above, Eastern subterranean termites do cause structural damage. When they enter your house, they eat away at wooden elements, including structurally important beams, columns, and more. Over time, these can become so weak that they collapse.
Eastern subterranean termites nest underground. When they enter your home, they build tunnels in the wood but maintain their underground nests to get the moisture they need to survive.
Identifying an Eastern subterranean termite infestation can be challenging because these pests stay out of sight the vast majority of the time and because most of the damage they do is from the inside out. If you pay careful attention, you may notice some of the following signs of an infestation:
If you notice any of these signs of an Eastern subterranean termite infestation, contact Anti-Pesto immediately.
Eastern subterranean termites are attracted to wood that is water-damaged or rotting. Subterranean termites prefer wood that is soft and easy to chew through. However, they will also infest sound dry wood if other options aren’t nearby. Once they get onto your property, it’s only a matter of time before they infest your house.
Trying to eliminate Eastern subterranean termites alone will not give you the desired results. Termite colonies can number in the millions, and since they nest in extremely hard-to-reach places, professional termite control services are required to eliminate them.
Professional termite control from Anti-Pesto is the best way to eliminate an active colony and prevent new colonies from establishing. We offer a variety of termite control treatments to meet your needs. Different termite species require different treatment methods. We will provide the treatments necessary to eliminate the active threat and prevent a new one.
There are a few things you can do to make your property less appealing to Eastern subterranean termites:
The only sure way to prevent a termite infestation is with professional termite control. Get in touch with us today for more information.
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