Fire ants are small, reddish-brown to black ants, usually between 1/16 and 1/4 of an inch long. They have a distinctive two-segmented waist and are known for aggressively swarming when their mounds are disturbed. Unlike some ants, which have a wide range of sizes in one colony, fire ants are fairly uniform in size.
Yes. Fire ants sting, and their stings are unpleasant. They inject venom, which causes a burning sensation. This is why they are called “fire” ants. The sting typically results in a raised, red welt that can be itchy and irritating for days. While only a minor threat to most people, fire ants pose a greater risk to individuals with a sensitivity to stinging insect venom. For these individuals, medical care is often required.
While generally not considered a danger, fire ant stings can be dangerous, especially for children, the elderly, and people with sensitivities. Multiple stings can cause significant discomfort and, in rare cases, an allergic response called anaphylaxis, which is potentially life-threatening.
Beyond presenting a stinging hazard, fire ants can contaminate food and potentially spread bacteria, such as salmonella. These protein-eating ants feed on unsanitary foods, such as dead animals. So, when they enter structures, they can bring harmful, disease-causing microorganisms in with them.
Fire ants build nests in the ground in sunny, open areas. You can tell that you have fire ant nests in your yard by looking for dirt mounds. These ants excavate dirt and typically build round mounds that act as a warning of their presence.
Fire ants also nest under rocks, logs, or organic debris. When they do this, they may partially hide their mounds from view. If you look closely, you’ll find the excavated dirt under detritus or against rocks, logs, and other objects on the ground.
In some cases, fire ants can move indoors. While they don’t prefer to build nests inside structures, they are capable of doing so. When they do this, their preference is to establish their nests in wall or floor voids.
Fire ants can be attracted to yards for a variety of reasons, but they are primarily looking for food and water. They feed on a wide range of things, including insects, small animals, carrion, honeydew, nectar, and seeds. They also eat human food. They’ll feed on scraps around a cookout area or get into garbage cans.
Warm, sunny conditions are favorable and will result in increased activity, population growth, and mound creation. Shade will help to deter them.
DIY fire ant control can be challenging. While some over-the-counter products provide temporary relief, they often fail to eliminate all or individual colonies completely. Partial control often leads to a larger problem due to colony budding and an increase in the number of nests.
The most effective way to eliminate fire ants is with professional pest control services. Contact Anti-Pesto Bug Killers for assistance in the Tampa Bay area. We have the expertise and specialized treatments to target and eliminate entire fire ant colonies, preventing their continued presence. At the first sign of fire ants in your yard, give us a call!
Preventing fire ants requires ongoing effort. Here are some suggestions to get you going in the right direction:
Remember that you don’t have to wait until you’re having trouble with fire ants. You can contact Anti-Pesto Bug Killers and get started with a monthly service plan today. Ask us about our most popular package: Border Patrol Green Plus™. It includes all of the pest management services you need to keep these pesky ants away.
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