Fleas are tiny reddish-brown pests. They have flat bodies, two antennae, and six legs. Of their six legs, the back two are long and powerful, allowing them to propel themselves over eight inches with one jump. That’s over 150 times their size! Fleas also have backward-facing bristles on their legs, allowing them to move through hair, fur, and other fibers easily.
Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. You may notice a few things if you get bitten by a flea. Flea bites tend to be small, red bumps that sometimes have a dark, red ring around the center. They usually appear in groups of three or four bites in a straight line. Fleas usually bite people around the ankles and legs, as well as in folds, such as the armpit and groin areas.
For most people, fleas and their bites are not especially dangerous. However, some people react negatively to flea bites and can have allergic reactions to those bites. Fleas are also known to transmit diseases through their bites. Although rare, they can spread bubonic plague and typhus.
Pets react to flea bites in a similar way to humans. However, there are additional concerns for pets, especially if a flea infestation is severe. Pets can experience anemia due to the loss of blood from flea bites. They can also get tapeworms from fleas.
Fleas usually get inside homes by riding inside on humans or pets. These biting pests can be picked up in public or from your yard. Your property is more likely to have fleas if you have wildlife activity.
Fleas will hide in the areas where they can easily get a meal. When they enter your house, they are usually found in places where people and pets spend time. You may find them in your bed, upholstered furniture, carpet, pet bedding, and even in cracks in the floor.
Most people realize they have a flea infestation when they discover flea bites on their bodies or notice their pets scratching more than usual. Some common signs of a flea infestation include:
Because fleas are so tiny, they can often go unnoticed, allowing an infestation to become widespread before you recognize it.
Finding fleas in your house is an unpleasant discovery. No one likes to think about bugs biting you while you sleep or crawling around in your clothes without your knowledge. As soon as you realize you have a flea problem, you’ll want to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Can you do it yourself?
Unfortunately, do-it-yourself flea control treatments are not effective. Some are simply dangerous to your family's health, using harmful chemicals to try to get rid of the problem. In contrast, others take the opposite course by using natural products that do nothing to eliminate the fleas. Trying to get rid of a flea infestation on your own will not yield the desired results.
The best way to eliminate a flea infestation is to contact Anti-Pesto Bug Killers for professional flea control. We understand how fleas get into homes, we know how to treat your property to get rid of fleas, and we have access to the proper treatment methods and products. Don’t waste time and money on DIY treatments that don’t work. Instead, let Anti-Pesto quickly and thoroughly get rid of fleas from your Tampa Bay home.
Preventing fleas from getting into your home is far better than trying to get rid of them after they’ve already arrived. These prevention tips will help you keep your home and property flea-free: