March 6, 2025

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Florida

Did you find some ants marching in your kitchen? Is there an ant infestation in your bathroom? No matter where these pesky insects were found in your home, we know you want to get rid of them ASAP! Luckily for you, you have several options when it comes to getting rid of ants. Below are some frequently asked questions and tips to get — and KEEP — your house ant-free!

ants in a home in florida

Why Do I Have an Ant Problem?

Just because you have ants doesn’t mean you have a dirty house. In fact, you could have the cleanest house out there and still have an ant infestation. There are a few different reasons you could have ants, but a majority of the time, the ants are just searching for food or water. This means there is a colony near your home and the ants are using your house as a source of survival.

Here are some common reasons you may have an ant problem:

Your Kitchen is Dirty

Ants leave their colony in search of food and water. After all, just like any other living organism, they need a food source to survive. Don’t let your kitchen give them what they’re looking for. Crumbs and spills you leave behind are an open invitation welcoming them into your home!

Your Garbage is Attracting Them

Aside from leftover crumbs and particles around your kitchen, ants are also drawn to your garbage. After all, it’s a haven of leftover food for them to feast on! They’re especially drawn to sugar, so used soda cans and food containers could be drawing them in.

You’re Not Killing the Entire Colony

If all you’re seeing is a few ants, you might be missing the bigger picture. Because ants are social creatures, they travel in colonies — which means there’s a herd of ants you need to get rid of to experience long-term relief. To get rid of the ones you do see in your kitchen, you first have to eliminate the ones you don’t see.

Your Home Isn’t Properly Sealed

Ants are both intelligent and tiny. The crack in your window? They see it! The small opening beneath your door? Yup, they can fit through it! Ants are aware of the smallest openings and crevices and confidently invite themselves in.

What Are the Most Common Ants in Florida?

In order to successfully rid your home of ants, it’s best to know which kind of ants you are dealing with in the first place. While there are over 12,000 species of ants around the world, we typically deal with about 12 species in Florida. Below you will find some info on 5 of the most common ants in Florida.

Pharaoh Ants 

Pharaoh ants are normally a pale yellow/brown color and are notorious for being pesky home invaders! These ants can be found all over the U.S. They are very attracted to protein-rich, oily, or sweet foods, so you can probably find these guys marching around in your kitchen.

Argentine Ants 

Argentine ants are normally black or dark brown and very shiny. They are common in the southeastern part of the country. Argentine ants are attracted to sweet foods and moisture, so this species is also very common to spot in a kitchen.

Ghost Ants

Ghost ants get their name from being hard to see! Their heads are dark brown and the rest of their body fades to a pale yellow. While they can be found in some areas of the USA, they are also located in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Ghost ants nest in the ground but are very attracted to moisture. They will trail to your bathroom to sinks, showers, and bathtubs to find a water source.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are typically black, red, or even a combination of the two colors. These large ants are found all over the country. Similar to termites, carpenter ants love decaying wood, so they typically enter your home through wet and/or damaged wood.

Red Imported Fire Ants

Like their name suggests, Red Imported Fire Ants are, well, red! These fire ants are found throughout the southern states. Fire ants usually build large hills on the ground and are often found in backyards, but can also find their way into your home through AC or HVAC units. Be very cautious around these guys as they pack a very painful sting when biting!

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How to Get Rid of Ants in Florida

Want to try to tackle the ant problem on your own?  Well, you’re in luck because you have a few options! Keep in mind these tips below might not work on large infestations but are definitely worth a shot for smaller issues.

The best ways to get rid of ants in Florida include:

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What Are Some DIY Ways I Can Get Rid of Ants?

DIY methods can be very successful for small-to-medium-sized infestations if you want to take a more natural route.

Sticky Tape: The sticky tape that has been sitting in your kitchen drawer might just do the trick for eliminating ants! Determine where the ants are going–normally they are headed towards a food source out in the open. Next, make a barrier of tape around the food source-sticky side up! The ants will march right to the food source and step on your sticky tape in the process. The ants will then become stuck to the tape and all you need to do is pick up the tape and throw it away!

Lemons: When life gives you lemons… use them to eliminate ants! Ants steer clear of this acidic fruit.  Squirt fresh lemon juice windowsills, doorways, or any other entry points ants could use to get inside your home. Cutting tiny slices of the lemon peel and leaving them near the entry points is another way to take advantage of this all-natural method!

What Are Preventative Measures I Can Take?

The best way to avoid a re-infestation is to prevent one altogether! There are multiple preventative measures you can take that will help keep ants far away from your home. These include:

What If They Still Come Back?

Despite your best efforts, ants can sometimes get the best of us despite all the preventative measures. If your ant problem is becoming too much of a challenge, it might be time to call in the pros! Your friendly neighborhood pest control technicians here at Anti-Pesto will be glad to evict your six-legged guests to give you an ant-free home for the long haul. We provide comprehensive pest control services to homeowners in the Tampa Bay area.

Written by Howard Bright, Owner of Anti-Pesto Bug Killers

What Anti-Pesto Customers Are Saying

largo florida customer

From the first contact call the staff was very professional, courteous and informative. We discussed the issues and set a plan with an appointment within a couple days. Shane, our technician, was very prompt and courteous. Very informative during the inspection process and strategically put a deterrent plan in place. I would highly recommend Anti-Pesto Bug Killers.

Jim J.

Largo, FL

Largo Florida Customer

We had a wasp infestation in our backyard shed. Anti-Pesto responded immediately and were out to our place within about two hours and took care of everything thoroughly. They will even follow-up again within two weeks to be sure that the problem does not recur. They are awesome!

Daniel Z.

Largo, FL

Anti-Pesto Customer

Amazing quality work. I’ve had a few pest control companies spray and ants would still enter our home and act as roommates. Sam Hurtado is our technician and he answers everything with knowledge and always brings quality work. Even if there was recent pest work they always arrange if I have issues. Thank you!!

Trish N.

Tampa, FL

happy customers of termio pest control
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