Here are the best ways to get rid of spiders:
- Remove webs: If you regularly remove webs, spiders will get the hint that your home isn’t the best place to hang out. Using a vacuum or broom is the best way to get the sticky webs down.
- Eliminate clutter: Spiders hide in clutter in areas like underneath beds, in attics, and in garages. Organize your items and use plastic bins with lids to remove potential spider habitats.
- Use peppermint oil: Spiders are sensitive to strong scents such as peppermint oil. Add a few drops to a spray bottle full of water and routinely spray anywhere you’ve noticed spider activity.
- Clean up crumbs: Crumbs and other kitchen messes attract pests like ants and beetles, which in turn attract the spiders who eat them.
- Seal off entrances: Spiders have to get in somehow, so seal off all potential entry points. This includes spaces under doors, gaps around baseboards, and broken window screens.
- Call the experts: Treating spiders with insecticides is difficult to do on your own, and involves a lot of guesswork to choose the best options. Instead, call the experts at Anti-Pesto Bug Killers for safe, effective treatment.
What attracts spiders?
No one intentionally attracts spiders into their home, but it happens nonetheless. Like all pests, spiders are constantly in search of food, water, and a safe place to hideout. It just so happens that your home has all of those.
Here are some common things attracting spiders to your home:
- Holes or cracks in your structure: Just because you don’t notice a crack doesn’t mean spiders don’t; these pests easily fit through tiny cracks, gaps, and unfilled holes in the exterior of your home. Once inside, spiders quickly find dark and quiet places to make their webs and establish themselves in cabinets, closets, basements, and other settings that are perfect for them but inconvenient for you.
- Other pests acting as a food source: Spiders eat insects such as flies, cockroaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, and ants. That means if these pests come into your home, spiders aren’t far behind. If you don’t do anything to eliminate their food sources, spiders will hang around indefinitely.
- The presence of dark and isolated spaces: A spider’s web is its greatest asset: it’s their home, hunting tool, and storage all in one place. To protect their nest and prevent it from being destroyed, spiders tend to make their homes in dark and isolated areas. These areas, paired with clutter for hiding places, also make it easy for spiders to hunt and surprise their prey.
- Weather changes: Most species of spiders can survive in a large range of temperatures, from below freezing to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. However, that doesn’t mean they like those extreme temperatures. In the summer or other periods of high heat, spiders will seek out cooler spots which can lead them to your home. Similarly, when it’s cold, spiders are drawn to sources of heat like the heated rooms within your home, hot water heaters, and appliances.
Common Spiders in Florida
There are over 45,000 species of spiders found throughout the world. Luckily, most of them aren’t found in Florida! There are only about 60 species of spiders that call our state home, and most of them are harmless to humans, despite how scary they may look.
Here are the most common spiders in Florida:
- Black widow: These infamous spiders have a solid black body with a red hourglass on their back. They are the most venomous spiders in North America, but their bites are rarely fatal.
- Brown recluse: Brown recluses, also called fiddleback spiders, have violin-shaped markings on their back. They have six eyes instead of eight like most spiders do. Their bites cause mild to intense pain, itching, and a blister that develops into an ulcer.
- House spider: House spiders are primarily brown, sometimes with brown or white spotting on the abdomen. Their legs may have a yellow or orange tint with dark rings around the joints.
- Daddy long legs: Daddy long legs are easily identified by their small, oval-shaped body and long, spindly legs. They do not have venom glands or fangs, and as such cannot bite humans.
- Brown widow: Brown widows are a mottled tan and brown with black accent markings. Some spiders have hourglass markings that are a subdued orange shade while others have white stripes across their backs.