January 22, 2023
Keeping out pesky household pests can be a difficult task, especially if you’re on a budget. But just because you’re not Mr. Moneybags doesn’t mean you can’t have a bug-free home! Check out our guide to DIY pest control, so you can learn how to prevent bugs in your home with items you may already have!
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December 5, 2022
Mornings are a rough time for many people, but there are a few things that make them just a bit easier to deal with. Delicious cereals and coffee are just a few items that can make one’s early rising more bearable. But, what if that is ruined? What if a swarm of creepy-crawlies are waiting in your favorite cereal box, munching on a beloved breakfast? With the help of Anti-Pesto Bug Killers, these top five pantry bugs can be banished from the kitchen and kept from ruining your day.
June 15, 2022
You see something in the crawl space, near the plumbing pipes, or up in a corner of the attic. Is it an ant or a termite? Unless you are in the pest control business in St Petersburg, you may not be able to tell one type of bug from another. But while it may be difficult to distinguish between the two, there are some key differences to help you. Here are three physical characteristics to evaluate.
May 10, 2022
Ant infestations are pretty common when it comes to pest control. Tampa, FL is no different from any other area – just like anywhere else, ant infestations happen. Since ants are social insects that live in colonies, treating and controlling them should include eradicating the entire colony. Simply just spraying ants with bug spray won’t do the trick. You will need to work smarter or consult a professional for more effective pest control. Using the helpful tips below can help you control ants in your home!
February 22, 2022
Because rodents are disgusting creatures that are often associated with dirt and filth, you might not realize it, but they are actually extremely interesting creatures, too Rats and mice may seem to be nothing but trouble, but there is a reason these pests are so successful at survival and so widely dispersed around the globe. Here are a few interesting rodent facts that you may not already be aware of. Prepare to have your mind blown!