Although some species of spiders mimic their appearance, black widow spiders are quite distinctive in their appearance. With bulbous, shiny black bodies, they grow to over an inch and a half in size. They are best known for the red, hourglass-shaped marking that appears on the underside of their abdomen.
Black widow spiders have eight legs and eight eyes. When young, their coloring is usually orange and white, and they darken as they age.
Like most other spiders, black widow spiders eat insects. They catch their prey in webs that they build close to the ground.
Black widow spiders are considered a dangerous spider species. Although it’s extremely rare for a black widow spider bite to be fatal, it has happened. However, the more likely scenario when bitten by a black widow spider is that the victim will experience immediate pain at the bite site, followed by fever, nausea, sweating, and possibly increased blood pressure.
Black widow spider bites are highly venomous and dangerous, so it is vital that you seek medical attention if you think a black widow spider has bitten you.
Black widow spiders often move indoors when looking for a warm place. They can find their way indoors through a variety of entry points. Cracks in your foundation, gaps around windows and doors, torn screens, and other small openings will all allow black widow spiders to enter your house.
Yes, black widow spiders build webs. These webs are usually at ground level, irregularly shaped, and less than a foot in diameter. After constructing their webs, black widows hang in them, waiting to catch their prey.
You can find black widows indoors and outside. They prefer dry, dark areas that are warm and secluded. Inside, black widow spiders like cluttered, quiet areas. They also like sheds, barns, and other outbuildings. Outside, you’ll usually find them under woodpiles, stones, decks, etc.
We do not recommend trying to get rid of black widow spiders on your own. They are venomous, so dealing with an infestation or even just one spider yourself can be dangerous. If there’s a provocation, black widow spiders will bite. Few things cause more provocation to a black widow spider than someone trying to catch and kill it. If you find a black widow spider in your home or on your property, it is best to contact a professional pest control company.
For property owners in Largo, Tampa, and elsewhere in the Tampa Bay area, contacting Anti-Pesto is the best way to eliminate black widow spiders. Our team has the proper equipment and products to eliminate your black widow spider problem. At the first sign of black widow spiders, reach out!
The best way to avoid the dangers of black widow spiders is to prevent an infestation altogether. You can implement various prevention techniques to make black widow spiders less likely to appear on your property or enter your house. Here are a few black widow spider prevention tips to get you started:
If you have any reason to believe that black widow spiders have gotten onto your property, contact Anti-Pesto today for effective black widow spider control.
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