Our Pest Control Blog

Want to learn tips and tricks about controlling pests from the experts themselves? How about things going on in the Tampa area? Look no further! Explore our blog to learn more from the Anti-Pesto team.

Why Are Ticks Dangerous? How You Can Protect Yourself This Summer

Living in the United States means that you and your family are almost always at risk for tick bites. Common in every region, ticks carry serious diseases […]

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Things You Could Be Doing To Attract Termites

Termites are a nightmare for homeowners, causing billions of dollars in structural damage to homes in the U.S. each year, according to the Environmental Protection […]

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How Roaches in Your House Can Affect Asthma & Allergies

Controlling roaches in the home is one of the primary concerns of every homeowner in the area. We all know roaches are creepy and gross, […]

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Signs of Termite Infestations in Homes

As a homeowner, you’re probably already aware that termites are the top threat in Tampa for wood-based structures. Termites beat out wind, flood, and fire when […]

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Buying a New Home? Signs of Pest Infestations to Look out For

If you’re looking to buy a home in the St. Petersburg area, you should make sure that your house isn’t already home to unsavory squatters […]

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Interesting Facts You May Not Know about Rodents

You might not realize it, because rodents are disgusting creatures that are often associated with dirt and filth, but they are actually extremely interesting creatures, […]

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How to Control Ants in Your Home in Tampa, FL

Ant infestations are pretty common when it comes to pest control. Tampa, FL is no different from any other area – just like anywhere else, ant infestations […]

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Beware of These Common Pantry Bugs in Florida

Mornings are a rough time for many people, but there are a few things that make them just a bit easier to deal with. Delicious […]

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How to Differentiate Termites From Ants

You see something in the crawl space, near the plumbing pipes, or up in a corner of the attic. Is it an ant or a […]

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